Sunday, February 19, 2017


Lead poisoning is a very serious concern that affects many people annually, and scarily children as well. This environmental problem can cause many issues within a person’s body. If someone is affect by lead poisoning, they can suffer from behavior disturbance, brain damage or mental retardation, also in children, they can have higher suffering from damage to the brain and nervous system, ADHD, lower IQ, criminal behavior, etc, decreased growth and nervous system, and can suffer from speech problems or hearing problems. If one wants to be tested or to see if they have similar symptoms and want to know if they are poisoned by lead, the best way to figure it out is by a blood test and can see the level of lead in their blood. The younger one is the more vulnerable they become to lead poisoning and its side effects that are possible to come with, children are at a higher risk to receive those side effects, which many of the side effects can affect how they learn and act for the rest of their lives. People can get poisoned by inhalation of particles from certain resources or ingestion. There is so many sources that lead can emit from or be contained in many different sources. These sources can range from paint to food. A big source of lead is from paint in older buildings which is the highest lead source for children in the United States. People need to be more aware of when to switch paint on the age of their home to make sure they don’t get poisoned or their children. In Ohio, States in 2014 there was 153,010 children that were tested for lead poisoning which is only .85% of the total population, while only 3% of the total population come from Ohio to be tested. Also, 1,298 children with confirmed blood lead levels of 10ug/dl or greater in Ohio, obviously, this proves how important is to make sure lead exposure is decreased because of how many children it is affecting and with the great risks it comes with. Other lead sources can even come from drinking water through leached lead containing pipes, faucet, which are usually found in plumbing from an older house. Food and beverages can contain lead to which could have been leaked in through packaging, storing and production and processing. Commercial products also play a role in lead exposure, such as, jewelry, bridge paint, automotive batteries, computers, etc. In the county I am from, Franklin, 235 children with greater of five micrograms per deciliter. Which was a lot higher than I expected. Ways to prevent lead exposure for children is, make sure you are up to date with all appliances, pipes, the date of the paints last change. Make sure that you keep your house well clean of dust because dust holds all different exposures and easily inhaled daily. Another is wash hands and toys, because some toys can contain particles of lead can be on there. Lead poisoning is a very serious environmental and public health concern that Ohio and the united states needs to make more aware of so we can decrease the amount of lead exposure in our daily lives.

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