Sunday, April 2, 2017


FAT-TOM is a mnemonic device used for food industry to help organize and remember the important safety requirements we must be aware of about food to make sure it is not contaminated. This mnemonic device stands for, food, acidity, temperature, time, oxygen and moisture, these six safety requirements for food are very important at home, or the restaurant to make sure we do not ingest any contaminated that could make oneself very ill.

Biological contamination is all about the microorganisms that can appear or sneak into our food. Most microorganisms are harmless and very small living organisms that we can only see with a microscope. Saying that, that means we can not tell if our food is contaminated by the harmful microorganisms, also known as pathogens, until we eat it and feel ill after.

Chemical contamination is when food gets contaminated by chemicals that find their way into food packaging or food itself that cause that food to be contaminated. This could be a wide range of items. Sometimes it can be what you store the food in, such as, painted pottery, copper, pewter, zinc. Chemical contamination can also be from where you store it and what the food products are by. For example, if you stored your food with beauty products or cleaning products and those odors can be released and contaminate the food with those foreign chemicals to the food. Once someone ingests contaminated food with chemical’s, it usually has an immediate effect on oneself.
Another food contamination is the physical contaminants. Physical contaminants are when objects fall into or somehow get into the food. This can be a wide range of objects. Some objects could be fingernails, metal, wood, glass, dirt, staples etc. This kind of contamination does more damage physically such as choking, scratching the throat, bleeding.
There is five biological contaminations that are important to beware of due to giving foodborne illnesses. Bacteria is something that is found everywhere, some bacteria is good and helps us, while others are very harmful and bad for us. Bad bacteria is mainly controlled by time and temperature. 

Depending on the food, certain foods need to be placed in certain temperatures to keep bacteria out. Which then brings us to time, certain foods can get bacteria in a snap of finger if set in the wrong temperature, and some foods it takes an hour or more and other can be minutes. This is very important to be aware of what foods need to be in what temperatures, and if misplaced how much time they can be there until goes bad of bacteria.

Another is viruses. Viruses need a living host to live, even though viruses do not grow on food or in it, they can still carry that virus to the recipient of that food. You can get a virus through water, or a contaminated surface and food. Typically, to receive a foodborne illness it is to happen through fecal-oral ways.

Parasites need to have a live host to carry on their illness and to as well reproduce. Parasite’s are not found in most common foods, they are more commonly to be found in wild game, foods associated from seafood and food that gets processed and contaminated with water. To make sure you do not get a foodborne illness from parasites, make sure you buy food from good food companies.
Fungi are a small group of contaminations. They include yeast, molds, and mushrooms. People need to make sure they are aware of mold that grows on food. Make sure you get food from reputable suppliers.

Lastly, protozoa is a contamination that is spread through unclean food or water. How it affects the body is through the digestive system, where it lives there and then multiplies itself inside our intestines.

Top five foodborne illnesses:
-Hepatitis A
-Shiga toxin-producing E. coli
-Salmonella Typhi

Commonly transmitted diseases from people to food:
-Escherichia coli

Sunday, March 26, 2017




   Air quality is an important and vital resource to our lives, and how much better and worse it can make our lives. If, our air quality is polluted, very highly or low it still effects the way we breath and how well our body’s function. For example, in the china video clip form class we watched a guy goa round china and show how smoggy and foggy the air was due to all the pollution from industrial places. He mentioned in the clip how breathing that air was equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. But good air quality helps better our lives by not destroying our bodies in that way and giving us clean healthy unpolluted air.

Air quality has six various levels that associate with our health, ranging from very clean to almost fatal. We need this index of the different air quality levels to help us know our health risks in certain areas, also, try to help those certain areas to decrease their bad air quality. The six levels of air quality include, good, moderate, unhealthy for sensitive groups, unhealthy, very unhealthy, and hazardous. To get a better picture of what each level is, let’s break them down. Good air quality means very low risks towards air pollution and little health risks associated. Moderate means the air quality is still considered to be okay but to certain people they could be at risk because of some pollutants in the air that could be harmful towards small numbers of people. Unhealthy for sensitive groups, is saying that majority of the community is going to not be affected in any way to the air quality but members of certain health risk groups will be, such as asthma groups. Unhealthy level of air quality now means majority of the community is going to be effected with some kind or type of health risk that is accumulated through the air. Very unhealthy air quality is simply saying that health risks are increased by a lot and majority of population has a higher chance to be effected. Lastly, there is the hazardous level and this is when that entire community/population is going to have serious health effects from the air quality in this area.

Air Quality Index Forecast for the following cities:
Cincinnati- 43 = good
Cleveland/Akron- 57 = moderate
Columbus-44 = good
Dayton- 44 = good
Youngstown-  48 = good

These levels show what level each city is going to be having, which it seems most cities in Ohio have good air quality, which is nice to know that we do not have to worry too much about the air we breathe here.

A state implementation plan is among the federal level and is an enforced plan for each state. This plan needs to follow the guidelines among the national ambient air quality standards. Each state must maintain these and attain these plans to keep each state with clean air.

The environmental protection agency has certain requirements for the NAAQS. Among these requirements, there is a certain six principal pollutants that need to be revised periodically. These six pollutants are also known as “criteria” air pollutants, which include, Carbon dioxide, lead, Nitrogen dioxide, ozone and particle pollution.

Current standards for NAAQS:
Ozone- .070 ppm
PM 2.5- 12.0 ug/m^3
Sulfur Dioxide- N/A
Nitrogen dioxide-N/A
Lead- N/A

Monday, March 13, 2017


Glyphosate is a herbicide that was applied to plants and fruits to helped to maintain the growth of plants and help have fruits be ripen. It was later used to kill off weeds growing in agriculture areas, forest areas, your lawn and people’s garden’s.
In 1964, it was patented as a metal chelator. This meant it was used to clean off dirt and substances off heavy metals. They used it to clean commercial pipes and or boilers. Glyphosate removes many minerals off these metals such as, copper, zinc, manganese, calcium, and magnesium which are very important to our health.

The paper, Trends in glyphosate herbicide use in the United States and globally, reveals that since 1974, when Roundup was first commercially sold, more than 1.6 billion kilograms (or 3.5 billion pounds) of glyphosate has been used in the U.S., making up 19 percent of the 8.6 billion kilograms (or 18.9 billion pounds) of glyphosate used around the world.(Monsantos Glyphosate most heavily Used Weed Killer in History, EcoWatch Article)
This statement from this article online just blew my mind how popular round up was worldwide and throughout the United States, as well. That is so much weed killer/round up to be used around the world. With this particular substance, I would not imagine it being so popular and used across the world so popularly but I guess that shows how we are somewhat similar across the world and have the same needs through a simple item as a weed killer.


In the United States, we use it mostly in the area of agriculture. It is also known as roundup here and most homeowners will have one around their house somewhere. Round up is known for its amazing killer strength against weeds. This chemical spray that is amazing at killing weeds. Most common people, use this round up just simply for killing weeds in their lawn, garden and around the house. But in the United States,  this is very popular with our farmers. Farmers need to protect their crops from weeds because crops is their living and they can not afford losing their crops. So farmers use this glyphosate and spread it all over their ground where their crops are to keep weeds from growing there. Another bonus is that it also helps the crops grow better and it does not hurt the crops at all.

Since we do use this in our agricultural area, there are some risks with that. Farmers spray this all over their crops because it does not harm the crops, but it can leave residue on the crops, which we consume. There has been recent studies showing how much glyphosate is left in our produce and how we need to make sure we clean off our produce correctly to ensure that we do not intake any produce that has any left over glyphostae on it because it can create health risks on oneself.

Crops are also known to be roundup ready crops because they have built a resistant against this herbicide genetically which helps farmers be able to just spray over the entire field of crops and not be worried about damaging their crops.


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Water Quality

Water Quality
Water quality is an essential part of environmental health and keeping the public free from bacteria, and diseases that could be infected in the water that could harm the population.
Coliform bacteria are bacteria that is abundant of harmless microorganisms that live in very big numbers within humans or warm blooded animals inside their intestines which help aid in the process of digestion of food. It is also found in plants and in soil. Coliform has many different types of forms, sixteen species of coliform is to be exact that can be found in humans/warm-blooded animals, plants and soil. Fecal coliform bacteria are a subgroup of coliform bacteria and seems to be the most popular type of coliform bacteria. E. Coli is one of the types of bacteria that can be harmful towards the population that can cause illness or an outbreak if you encounter it.

Ways to prevent having buildup of coliform bacteria in water is the process of how we retrieve water. Retrieving water from wells needs to be in a well that is constructed to standards that should almost little to none coliform bacteria. If any of this bacterium is found inside the well, the well must be inspected and completely cleaned out by a professional. With homeowners, they need to be careful that their water is not contaminated and their filters need to be cleaned and maintained regularly throughout the year so they do not ingest contaminated water which could be harmless or not.

Coliform standard is 5.0%^3 mg/L.

Turbidity is another water hazard among environmental health issues. Turbidity is a measure of how much either one material or more enters the water and makes it unclear or cloudy. Usually the items that cloud the water are sand, dirt, mud, clay, etc. The standard for turbidity is not available/ none. To find turbidity is shining a light through the water to see how clear the water or cloudy it is.

Cryptosporidium is contamination of parasites that are found in water. If you somehow intake the contaminated water there is many symptoms that come along with it, watery diarrhea, dehydration, weight loss, vomiting, nausea, fever, stomach cramps and lack of appetite. Standard for cryptosporidium is TT.

Giardia is microscopic parasite that you can get through contaminated water and causes an infection in your small intestines. This is a problem all over the world, lots of animals, such as dogs and cats frequently can get this infection. This contaminated water can be in pools, spas or bodies of water. The standard for giardia is also zero/TT.

Harmful algal blooms HAB cyanotoxins are usually found in lakes and oceans and are single celled organisms which are called phytoplankton’s. These phytoplanklotn’s can be deadly to animals and humans unfortunately.

Water quality is very important to the population because without water quality many of us could catch awful disease or die from not having clean water and  keeping our bodies safe.

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Lead poisoning is a very serious concern that affects many people annually, and scarily children as well. This environmental problem can cause many issues within a person’s body. If someone is affect by lead poisoning, they can suffer from behavior disturbance, brain damage or mental retardation, also in children, they can have higher suffering from damage to the brain and nervous system, ADHD, lower IQ, criminal behavior, etc, decreased growth and nervous system, and can suffer from speech problems or hearing problems. If one wants to be tested or to see if they have similar symptoms and want to know if they are poisoned by lead, the best way to figure it out is by a blood test and can see the level of lead in their blood. The younger one is the more vulnerable they become to lead poisoning and its side effects that are possible to come with, children are at a higher risk to receive those side effects, which many of the side effects can affect how they learn and act for the rest of their lives. People can get poisoned by inhalation of particles from certain resources or ingestion. There is so many sources that lead can emit from or be contained in many different sources. These sources can range from paint to food. A big source of lead is from paint in older buildings which is the highest lead source for children in the United States. People need to be more aware of when to switch paint on the age of their home to make sure they don’t get poisoned or their children. In Ohio, States in 2014 there was 153,010 children that were tested for lead poisoning which is only .85% of the total population, while only 3% of the total population come from Ohio to be tested. Also, 1,298 children with confirmed blood lead levels of 10ug/dl or greater in Ohio, obviously, this proves how important is to make sure lead exposure is decreased because of how many children it is affecting and with the great risks it comes with. Other lead sources can even come from drinking water through leached lead containing pipes, faucet, which are usually found in plumbing from an older house. Food and beverages can contain lead to which could have been leaked in through packaging, storing and production and processing. Commercial products also play a role in lead exposure, such as, jewelry, bridge paint, automotive batteries, computers, etc. In the county I am from, Franklin, 235 children with greater of five micrograms per deciliter. Which was a lot higher than I expected. Ways to prevent lead exposure for children is, make sure you are up to date with all appliances, pipes, the date of the paints last change. Make sure that you keep your house well clean of dust because dust holds all different exposures and easily inhaled daily. Another is wash hands and toys, because some toys can contain particles of lead can be on there. Lead poisoning is a very serious environmental and public health concern that Ohio and the united states needs to make more aware of so we can decrease the amount of lead exposure in our daily lives.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

ZIKA borlandspring EH2000

Zika is a virus disease that is from a certain mosquito species. This virus was founded many, many years ago in Uganda, in the year 1947. It was actually first found in monkeys there in Uganda that were being monitored for yellow fever. Shortly, about five years later, that is when humans got zika as well and had an outbreak. This disease is transmitted by a mosquito bite of the Aedes species of mosquito's. These mosquito's are found majorly in tropical regions of the world. There is a stronger risk of getting bit by these mosquito's is in the early morning and late evening. Also, it is possible for this to be transmitted through sexual and blood transfusion.

Zika has been found in many places in the world; many which contain warm weather. Zika can be found here in the U.S., South America, Mexico, Cuba, Virgin Islands and many other warm regions in between Mexico and South America. These Mosquito's are attracted to warmer weather regions so places that have warm weather for majority of the year they spread there.

If one was to be concerned that they had Zika virus, they should see if they have these signs and symptoms, which are, fever, rash, conjunctivitis, joint pain are the main symptoms. There is also symptoms are headaches and muscle pain. These symptoms are very mild/common symptoms so it is hard to tell if you have Zika. It as well lasts about a couple days to a week in your blood, and there is  a very low percent people who die from this disease.

If one is to be pregnant and gets infected with Zika, it can be very problematic to the fetus's development inside the womb as well as outside. If a mother to be is bitten by the certain mosquito she should see her doctor immediately to try to help stop spread the disease since it will travel to the fetus through the blood stream. If it gets to the fetus, there are birth defects that would affect the baby drastically. One birth defect the fetus could receive from Zika is microcephaly, which broken down means a smaller head. This will affect the growth of the babies head and the brain as well would be smaller in size. Also another side effect with having a mother to be infected with zika is the congenital zika syndrome, which contains following symptoms;

  • Severe microcephaly where the skull has partially collapsed
  • Decreased brain tissue with a specific pattern of brain damage
  • Damage to the back of the eye
  • Joints with limited range of motion, such as clubfoot
  • Too much muscle tone restricting body movement soon after birth
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease and Prevention, 17 Jan.
2017. Web. 12 Feb. 2017.)

How to prevent oneself to not be infected with this disease is by trying your best to avoid getting bitten by mosquito's, making sure not having sexual relations with someone else who is carrying the zika disease, and to make sure always wear mosquito protection spray and be careful to were you travel and be aware to where you travel and if it has or had zika virus there before so you can prepare yourself. 

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for zika virus and no treatment for zika, which is why being precautions of this disease and mosquito's is very important. 


Word Count: 503 (excluding the bullet points from CDC)



Sunday, January 22, 2017

American Association of Poison Control Centers

On poison control website, I found many different and various poison alerts. In these many alerts I found some very interesting posion alerts that are everyday common products we use and some rare products we don’t see often but are highly poisonous and could be deathly. One of the alerts I found interesting that we use everyday are laundry detergent packets. In the provided information the website gave us, that many children will eat the detergent packets and only used to get stomach aches, but new studies show that the kids would vomit a lot,  have shortness of breath or get sleepy. I never thought about how dangerous laundry detergent was until this website explained how the packets are easily obtainable and little kids eat them. The website also provided that, “In 2016, through December 31, poison centers received reports of 11,528 exposures to highly concentrated packets of laundry detergent by children 5 and younger.” I could not believe how high that number is for just five years and younger, and how it is just an everyday product we use that could harm our children.

Another interesting alert I found on poison, that hand sanitizer in big amounts can bring alcohol poisoning to the person who has exposure inside them in large amounts and will give them alcohol poisoning because hand sanitizer contains more alcohol than most alcohol beverages.

Another alert I read about was about  bath salts aka synthetic cathinones are illegal drugs that have so many unknown chemicals in the bath salt mixtures causing countless side effects because they are so many different chemicals that are combined in the drug they create that anything is possible for a side effect.

Another alert is opioids are an increasing poison issue. These drugs are narcotics and bring in numerous people in emergency rooms due to the overdose level people take of them. This drug helps you feel no pain and it's becoming a more public health issue.
Image result for opioids

E-cigarettes are another poison alert because younger kids are becoming more exposed to them and getting ill or getting on their skin and damage it and bringing more kids to hospitals with these issues.

Food and mushroom poisoning and recall poison alerts are when we consume contaminated foods. Contaminated foods have like bacteria and viruses, etc. This is actually a really high poison alert because it can happen whenever because we can eat food and not know we are eating poisoned food til after.

Lastly, synthetic marijuana is another poison alert because it has unknown chemicals and is not like regular marijuana because of the mixed chemicals they do not know what's in there that cause so many different side effects.

If you have any concern for poison, there phone number is 1-800-222-1222

Current annual report 2015:

For kids under the age of 6, top three reasons kids are called in in this age group is because of cosmetic/personal care products, cleaning substances, analgesics. For people the age 20 and up their top three reasons are analgesics, sedative, and antidepressants.
Some reasons for exposure are unintentional, intentional, and adverse reaction.

Top scenarios of poison scenarios are school, workplace, and outdoors.

In 2015 poison control received 2.8 million phone calls in 2015